Our moving day in 191 seconds

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Continuing on the theme of things I didn’t get a chance to blog about when they happened, because I didn’t have a blog at the time: here’s a time-lapse video from April 29, the day we moved into our new house. It shows our moving day from beginning to end, starting at our old condo in South Denver, then ending at our new house in North Denver. Here it is; commentary follows.

The first thing you see is me leaving the condo in the morning. Then Becky, her mom, and of course Loyette (and briefly Becky’s dad and brother) mill about for a while. Loyette merrily climbs all over the boxes. 🙂 Around 33 seconds in, our Amazing Moves guys show up, and stuff starts — poof! — disappearing.

Pretty soon everybody’s outta there, and over to the new house; the scene switches at the 57-second mark. (I was at work this whole time, but had cameras set up in both places.) You see the movers arriving and stuff appearing, and frenetic activity and humans and cats move this way and that. Then for about 10 seconds starting around the 1:26 mark, there’s a lull, as Becky & the fam go out (I think for lunch). I love this part, because if you watch carefully, you’ll notice something odd: the cats completely disappear too! Having spent the morning flitting to and fro while there were people around, they retreat (presumably) upstairs when everybody leaves. 🙂

Then everybody comes back. Eventually I arrive — having left for work from one home, and returned at the end of the day to another — we have dinner, the in-laws leave, we put Loyette to bed (though not without a struggle, as you see when she appears back downstairs after briefly disappearing; getting used to the new house took some time). Finally Becky and then I go to bed, the lights go off, and our moving day is over. Kind of a fun time lapse.