Meteor reminder

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As I mentioned last week, the Perseid Meteor Shower is due to peak tonight and tomorrow morning, with a possible hour-long burst of ~200 meteors per hour between 2:00 AM and 3:00 AM Mountain Time (1-2am PDT, 4-5am EDT). Otherwise, “dozens of meteors per hour” are likely throughout the night, though the gibbous Moon will overwhelm the dimmer ones.

Aside from the expected wee-hours peak, the best time for meteor-watching may be between roughly 9:00 PM and 11:00 PM local time (wherever you are), when, according to the above-linked NASA article, “both Perseus and the Moon will be hanging low in the north. This low profile reduces lunar glare while positioning the shower’s radiant for a nice display of Earthgrazers.”

[Bumped. -ed.]