Beelzebub crashes car into CT hospital

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Yes & it just confirms what I always suspected: Lucifer is in league with Obama to wreck our Health-care system. ;>

SOUTHINGTON — – Saying he’s the devil, a man who had just bailed out of a car he had driven into a hospital lobby early this morning attacked a local officer, police said.

…The bizarre chain of events started at about 2:30 a.m., when a security guard at The Hospital of Central Connecticut at Bradley Memorial on Meriden Avenue saw a car driving erratically through the parking lot, Sgt. Lowell DePalma said. The car, carrying Dufresne, another man and a dog, crashed through the hospital’s main entrance, he said. The lobby was closed at the time, and no one was injured.

…The occupants got out of the car and left the scene, ignoring the security guard’s orders to stop, he said. Police arrived and an officer encountered Dufresne and the dog nearby on Columbus Avenue. He started hitting the officer and the dog bit him, DePalma said.

Dufresne ranted that he’s the devil during the attack, he said…

Gol-lee. / What ever happened to the Dog? (Presumably one of those Hounds of Hades like in The Omen. 🙂

Read the whole thing. As to Healthcare, we all knew the Devil is in the details but this takes it Down to a whole new Level. ;]