A song for the Tea Party crowd

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Apropos of nothing, inspired by a random aside in comments

Yes, the song is called “The Idiot,” but I’m not being snarky by suggesting it as a Tea Party song. Its reference to idiocy is sarcastic:

I could have stayed to take the dole, but I’m not one of those
I take nothing free, and that makes me
an idiot, I suppose

Later: “…but I like being free / and that makes me / an idiot, I suppose.” And still later: “the government dole will rot your soul back there in your hometown,” whereas “there’s self-respect and a steady check” in even an unpleasant job. Conservative values, and world-weary, me-against-the-world resentment of the welfare state, encapsulated in a Canadian folk song! (P.S. I love Stan Rogers.)

Of course, Maddow and Olbermann would say “I’m not one of those” is raaaaacist. 🙂