Steve Jobs had liver transplant, no word on whether it was white plastic or brushed aluminum

Methodist University Hospital Transplant Institute in Memphis, Tenn, confirmed  on Monday that Apple CEO Steve Jobs had recieved a liver transplant earlier this year, confirming an unsourced report from the Wall Street Journal that was published this past weekend.

Jobs underwent a procedure in 2004 to combat a rare type of pancreatic cancer. Concerns about his continued health continued to surface over the next few years.  In January of this year he took a leave of absence, but is now reportedly back at work at Apple, at least part time, and reportedly continued to be involved in major strategic decisions.

3 thoughts on “Steve Jobs had liver transplant, no word on whether it was white plastic or brushed aluminum

  1. Brendan Loy

    First! 🙂

    Thanks for getting the Guest Room going.

    Anyway, Jobs should get some medical monitoring equipment on his new liver and then have someone make an iPhone app where you can track how it’s doing in real time. 🙂

  2. Joe Loy

    Hey David K.! Great to see you Guestblogging again. Not impossible I just might re-Join you in that endeavor one of these fine days. 🙂

    Best of luck to Mr. Jobs. / I heard on the Cablenewsies that in order to quell Buzzes on the Internets re Jobs buying an unjustified priority on the transplant list, his doctor (with the usually-very-Private patient’s approval) has stated that No, he was in fact legitimately at the Top of the list for persons with his particular form of affliction & blood type.

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