2 thoughts on “Birther bait

  1. Joe Loy

    Dammitall, that’s not a Fake, it’s your Real one. How the hell did yez find Out? Here for all these years Mom & I have been running the Coverup to keep the Truth not only from the American People but from YOU, ye bigfat Blabbermouth! Do you realize how many political strings yer Nana Loy had to pull at Hartford Hospital & City Hall for the Forgery? Not to mention the Bribes yer poor Papa had to Fork over & himself such a Frugal man begob!!? :} Whattsa Madduh wit’ yoo? Americans take a very Poor view of furriners and Sort-of furriners. Now probably the highest office ye could ever get Nommynated for is the Mayo County Council and even then, ye’ll likely lose to a Repooblichaun. ;>

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