Worst. Analogy. Ever.

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Vail resident Sally Rebehn, master of the apt analogy, describes her experience discovering a bear in her bedroom: “I turned around and it was so odd, your brain takes a while to register. No way I thought there would be bear in the bedroom. It’s kind of like when you think you’re about to drink a glass of water and it’s a glass of milk.”


P.S. Hammerito helpfully converts Ms. Rebehn’s statement to SAT-analogy format:

Water:Milk::No Bear:Bear

Heh. Meanwhile, here’s a longer story with the same quote, but more details.

P.P.S. Someone needs to book this woman on Colbert, stat!

7 thoughts on “Worst. Analogy. Ever.

  1. Pingback: Fresh From Twitter: HAHA!!RT @brendanloy: Worst. …

  2. B. Minich

    David, you clearly haven’t heeded Colbert’s warnings about the threat bears pose. Also, this could be the beginning of Tony Kornheiser’s feared Animal Revolution.

  3. B. Minich

    You know, if you have ever listened to Tony Kornheiser’s radio show, you realize how perfect he’d be as a guest. They could talk about the impending threat of bears for five minutes. If you like quirky radio with a ranting old guy in charge, go find the TK podcast on iTunes.

    It’s worth for hearing James Carville picking football games alone.

  4. David K.

    I never said they weren’t killing machines. In fact I have argued for a long time that we need to repeal the 2nd amendment, but conservatives just won’t listen.

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