Olympics announcement live-stream [UPDATE: Chicago eliminated on first ballot; Matt Drudge dies of happiness]

Via Olympic.org. Again, here’s the timetable. Voting starts at 9:10 AM Mountain Time (11:10 Eastern, 15:10 GMT), and the announcement is scheduled for 10:30 AM MDT (12:30 PM EDT, 16:30 GMT).

Live coverage from the Chicago Breaking News Center. More from ESPN Chicago.

UPDATE: Whoa. That was unexpected.

Let the schadenfreude begin!

UPDATE 2: That’s more like it, Matt:

I guess this means the fix wasn’t in.

UPDATE 3: More unrestrained glee from Drudge:

Between the David Letterman sex scandal and the Chicago “Obamalympics” flop, I’m honestly not sure if the right wing can handle this much schadenfreude all at once. Heads could start asplodin’ any minute.

P.S. Ana Marie Cox (of ex-Wonkette fame) tweets: “I’m glad that the Drudge report is treating Chicago’s loss of its Olympic bid like the moment of quiet national reflection it should be.” Heh.

Meanwhile, conservative tweeter snarkandboobs writes, “Dude, Chicago got the LEAST amount of votes in first round. No ACORN at the IOC, huh? RACISTS ™ #obamastinks.” And another conservative tweeter, James T. Harris, is having an Olympic-sized case of schadenfreude:


P.P.S. One last Drudge screenshot, with the unemployment numbers added in for the full, HAHAHA EVERYTHING SUCKS AND IT’S ALL OBAMA’S FAULT effect:

P.P.P.S. Okay, another one — because this is a little much, even by Drudge’s standards:

Chicago not getting the Olympics = lightning striking a statue of Jesus on a mountaintop? WHAT?!?

6 thoughts on “Olympics announcement live-stream [UPDATE: Chicago eliminated on first ballot; Matt Drudge dies of happiness]

  1. Joe Mama

    I stand corrected – Obama evidently was risking his foreign “prestige.” I give him points for effort but not for smarts.

  2. B. Minich

    Christ the Redeemer! Get used to seeing that, Brendan: it is only the coolest statue in Rio.

    Seriously, whoever decided to put a humongous statue of Christ on the mountaintop overlooking Rio was a sheer genius. It just looks so cool!

  3. B. Minich

    (Although, I should make clear, while Christ the Redeemer is high above Rio, and probably gets struck by lightning a lot, no way is that an occurrence that happens enough to justify Drudge’s sensationalism. He couldn’t resist the dramatic picture of Christ the Redeemer with lightning! Its like Obama was judged from Rio!)

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