8 thoughts on ““Let us know what those are”

  1. Joe Loy

    Jazz, is your intriguing Linkage, posted to This particular thread, somehow meant to suggest that Saint Joe Lieberman has Up & Gone Over to the camp of His Holiness the Dalai Lama? And if so, does the Rabbi know? Oy. ;>

    Hmm. / Come to think of it, it could have been just such a theory of demoninational apostasy that triggered the Wrath of the contraliebermaniacal Ninja whom the cops had to relieve of his Nunchucks on the pleasant streets of Vernon CT a few weeks back.


  2. Jazz

    In response to Joe Loy’s question, veering slightly off-topic momentarily, our sweet daughter had her Halloween parade at day care today. Oh, the kids were cute alright. There were no fewer than three Snow Whites. A couple of cheerleaders. A few football players. And our own princess, ever the outlier, was Foofa. (The photo isn’t of our daughter – but the costume was close enough).

    The football players and princesses and cheerleaders – and Foofa – were reentering the building when a woman, wearing a harsh dark businessy outfit asked, through an icy smile, what was that costume my daughter was wearing? I smiled self-effacingly and said something about Yo Gabba Gabba, its this odd new show on Nickelodeon, and – without breaking her icy smile – the woman said with unmistakable righteous condescension: “Well. We don’t have cable”.

    I’m connecting this story in part because I obsess a bit. The connection: even though we think our child will light up the world someday, if she doesn’t already, we’ll never outwardly take ourselves *that* seriously.

    So anytime we encounter someone with “Saint” in front of their moniker, the urge to poke them is irresistable.

    (Though killing may be a titsch harsh).

  3. Joe Mama

    Speaking of Halloween parties and day care, we noticed signs at our son’s day care for a “costume party” being held next week. When the wife inquired as to whether this was a Halloween party, and if so, why it was being held in November, they told us their policy was that they couldn’t call it a Halloween party and they couldn’t hold it in October because last year some asshats complained about devil worship or some such nonsense. This is VA, but it’s still Fairfax County, where I wouldn’t expect dillweed bible thumpers to be that prevalent or carry much weight. Sometimes I could stand for NOVA being a little more purple…

  4. Jazz

    Joe Mama – sounds like my family lives in a demographically similar area. We got around that by putting our kids in a day care that is somewhat pricier than the others. Avoids the hillbillies. Trade em for the pretentious “We don’t have cable” crowd.

    I’ll say more on this topic in the stimulus thread.

  5. Joe Mama

    Jazz – That’s just it, though….our son is in the most expensive day care center we considered ($2000 a month, but then they dropped it to $1725 because of the poor economy and their unused capacity), so there evidently are pretentious bible thumpers ’round these parts….

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