3 thoughts on “Twitter: FIGHT ON TROJANS, …

  1. Casey

    Oh, the Emerald Nuts Bowl. Doesn’t seem worth USC, now does it?

    I mean, remember when we used to play for roses, the sexiest flowers in existence? Or oranges, the tastiest and most prestigious of citrus fruits that are also good for you?

    Now we’re not even hawking Planters, for Chrissakes. We’re hawking second rate ass nuts. Like the nuts that have been sitting out for months getting stained with cigarette ash at some dank barber shop doing $2 haircuts.

    I am so very sad…

  2. David K.

    THE Eagles dude, when you are cheering for USC do the right cheer, not the caveman one from Notre Dame!

  3. David K.

    Casey, could be worse, could be the Paul Hackett era when you’d be lucky to playing in a bowl at all.

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