3 thoughts on “FriendFeed: Stewart Mandel: At …

  1. Sandy Underpants

    This is starting to sound serious. I guess PC was really PO’d with Joe McKnight’s bowl suspension, and Mike Garrett basically throwing Pete under the bus rather than standing with him in defense of the athletic programs. USC has a monster recruiting class assembled right now, I can’t believe that Pete could have swayed this many superstars to be nearly inking with the Trojans and then just turn and walk to a pro-program with his terrible OC to go 3 and out. Maybe Pete figures USC will be sanctioned, and when they’re off probation he’ll make his return.

  2. David K.

    I just have a hard time seeing PC happy at the pro level. When you look at the way he runs the program at SC you can tell he loves working with guys that age, guys who aren’t doing it for the money, guys who love the game, and guys who will look at him as the one in charge. When you go to the pros, its now their job, not necessarilly their passion. You can’t have the kind of fun at that level that you can with college kids. Not to mention he’d be leaving one of the premiere teams in the country (despite having a down year) for a really crappy pro team. I mean I hate to say it but the Seahawks are going to need a LOT of work to get better. Not to mention you have to like living in the PNW, and there are no beach houses in Malibu for you to jet off to for the weekend with your college mistress…i mean…uh….. 😀

  3. kcatnd

    Did anyone really think Notre Dame, USC and Cincinnati would all have new head coaches come 2010?

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