5 thoughts on “FriendFeed: “Baking surveillance, control …

  1. AMLTrojan

    Funny. Regulation of the internets: evil. Regulation of Wall Street and every facet of economic activity not strictly associated with the internets: good. Thank God for cognitive dissonance!

    I’m not in favor of censorship and giving more control over how I purchase and play music to the RIAA, however it strikes me as intuitively obvious that “baling surveillance [and] control … into the very fabric of our networks, devices and laws” will be absolutely necessary to protect critical infrastructure from cyber attacks. Using that for IP enforcement I do not agree with, but just as we have spy satellites above that can peer into North Korea yet are not allowed to track goings on in America and then send data to the FBI for law enforcement purposes, so we can embed our network infrastructure with critical surveillance and reporting tools to pinpoint and defuse cyber attacks without empowering the DOJ to use it as a method of enforcing IP laws and regulations.

  2. David K.

    Regulation of the internets as is being proposed: Evil

    Regulation of Wall Stree who have demonstrated that without it they can and will engage and behavior that leads to catastrophic economic consequences: Good

    Attempting to equate the two situations as if there was some ideological problem with holding both views: Stupid

  3. Alasdair

    AMLTrojan – look how bent out of shape Waxman got when the various companies adhered to the regulations he favours so strongly and published the downside of “Healthcare Reform” … if the regulations are going to be in place, what did Waxman expect ?

    The sooner we can get the equivalent of “Contract With America II” in place, and the likes of Waxman and Dodd out, the better for our country and our economy …

  4. AMLTrojan

    Regulation of the internets as is being proposed: Evil

    You do not even have a clue about what is being proposed and by whom.

    Regulation of Wall Stree who have demonstrated that without it they can and will engage and behavior that leads to catastrophic economic consequences

    You don’t think the internets can be exploited and utilized to inflict catastrophic economic consequences? And we should take you seriously why?

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