6 thoughts on “Twitter: Fire Mike Brey?!? …

  1. Brendan Loy

    I know!!! The end of the Fire Mike Brey era would be a blog/tweet tragedy of epic proportions.

    But at least we can make the era go out with a bang. FIRE MIKE BREY!!! 🙂

  2. Jazz

    But at least we can make the era go out with a bang

    Per the attached text, it appears that Coach Brey may have done that already.

  3. kcatnd

    I’m not worried – my favorite Loy-meme will still be applied nonsensically to anything as we see fit.

    I think about all that we’ve seen throughout his career at ND – the heartache and the hope; the struggle and the progress; the times we were told he couldn’t, and the fans who pressed on with that Irish creed: FIRE MIKE BREY.

    When there was despair in the Joyce Center and depression across the campus, we saw a green nation conquer fear of itself with a new refrain and a new sense of common purpose: FIRE MIKE BREY.

    When Butler narrowly missed a Goliath-slaying shot in the final seconds, we dropped our raised arms in disbelief, only to whisper the words that could bring comfort: FIRE MIKE BREY.

    When controversy and passion ignited in the wake of an iPhone theft, we reached no easy conclusions, but knew who to blame. FIRE MIKE BREY.

    Whenever an Irish Trojan prediction proved to be incorrect or the frantic pace of blogging exposed a momentary weakness in judgment, his readers were there to remind him of that stirring call: FIRE MIKE BREY.

    FIRE MIKE BREY, Living Room Times readers. Fire him as often as needed. Thank you. God bless you, and may God bless the United States of America.

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