2 thoughts on “FriendFeed: BP: Spill continues …

  1. Joe Loy

    “At first, most of the mud was carried away by the oil and gas streaming up through the well at high pressure, but with enough mud being pumped in at a fast enough rate, it started accumulating inside the well…”

    All day long the Live Oil Feeds on the Cablenewsies have shown what Appears, to the untrained eye, to be Mud squirting merrily out of Cracks in the Pipes.

    …The hope is that eventually enough mud will accumulate to overcome the upward pressure of oil.”

    Let us Hope, indeed. / If not, I say Nuke the Mud. ;>

  2. kcatnd

    Am I the only one who initially read that as an Onion headline?

    “BP: We Managed to Keep the Spill Going Despite “Top Kill” Setback”

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