Memorial Day, explained to (and by) a two-year-old

Me: “I’m going to put up our American flag, because it’s Memorial Day weekend, and Memorial Day is a very patriotic holiday.”

Loyette: “Are we going to the holiday?”

Me: “It’s not a holiday you go to, sweetie, it’s a holiday you celebrate with your family and friends and your community, to honor the brave soldiers who fought for our freedom.”

Loyette: “And fought for your freedom, and fought for Mommy’s freedom.”


P.S. I have no idea why Loyette’s initial reaction was that a “holiday” is something you “go to.” Is she secretly British??

UPDATE: After I put up the flag, Loyette informed me that, while dogs poop in the grass, and she poops in the potty, flags do not, in fact, poop. Good to know.

4 thoughts on “Memorial Day, explained to (and by) a two-year-old

  1. David K.

    Memorial Day specifically to honor those who died in the line of duty, Veterans Day is for all soldiers who have served. That said I don’t have a problem with honoring servicemen and women on any day. Also Loyette may be a little young for that distinction.

  2. Brendan Loy Post author

    Yeah, I realize that, but I didn’t want to go into that level of detail because it would have also involved explaining the concept of death, which seemed a little heavy for a pleasant Saturday-afternoon chat with my toddler. 🙂

  3. Joe Loy

    B. Minich, life is Unfair. So just suck it Up & keep on enjoying the peerless Cuteness of My Granddaughters. 🙂

    “…I have no idea why Loyette’s initial reaction was that a ‘holiday’ is something you ‘go to.’ Is she secretly British??

    Certainly not. / Yer better shut yer Gob & bite yer Keyboardfingers, boy: for it It is Utterly impossible to Imagine a grownup Loyette as a rich fat Bourgie workin’ uz poor workers to death and gettin’ all the Gelt and goin’ to France for ‘er ‘olidays. (Scroll down to page 39. 🙂 IOW, all we are Saying is give peace a Chance. ;>

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