2 thoughts on “Twitter: Cape Verde season …

  1. Joe Loy

    Already the Wind is In from Africa, already. / BS BP better hurry the Hell up with the old Wellkill, else there be Tarballs in the Rainstorms clear to Memphis. / Now what was that I read somewheres about this season’s Elevated probabilities of hurricanes scudding up the Eastern Seaboard? Fie. / “My instinct says there is just enough troughiness northeast of Puerto Rico to turn this system and keep it over open ocean.” ~Seablogger. Let us hope there is just enough Truthiness in that instinct to Make it So. :>

  2. gahrie

    Interesting to look back from today’s perspective. The BP oil spill not only did not destroy the Northern Hemisphere, but scientists say that all animal and plant populations in the gulf are booming. Nature has been dealing with the residual oil just as it has done for millions of years.

    And as we near the end of the hurricane season, it has pretty much been another mild year for the US.

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