11 thoughts on “Twitter: Fraud? “I’m not …

  1. David K.

    As little as I care about soccer, i’m curious, is there any sort of review or appeal process available?

  2. dcl

    Protest on point of fact no, protest on application of the rules is allowable. To avoid that protest seems to be why he is saying nothing at all about it. Which leads one to believe he is dirty.

  3. David K.

    From what I’ve seen on the web refs don’t have to explain themselves. Ever. Reason #… Screw it I don’t want to count that high why soccer is dumb.

  4. dcl

    I will say this for him, he was smart enough to do this to a country that doesn’t care about soccer, if he had done it to Columbia he’d be dead by Monday.

  5. Doc

    It’s soccer. Shit happens. We got screwed, and everybody knows it. Further bitching about it only makes us look like a bunch of whiners.

    Let’s beat the stuffing out of Algeria and move on.

  6. David K.

    Yeah nobody should ever complain about mistreatment or unfair circumstances because then you are just a whiner. Better to just accept whatever crap comes your way and never try and change anything.

  7. Doc

    Wow. Did you just see my name there and go for the craziest possible interpretation of what I said? Is my hyper-jingoistic stance on the US national team what set you off? (I guess it can’t be that, because you totally missed my call for bombing the shit out of Algeria before the game to give us a psychological edge in the game.)

    Do you do this in face-to-face conversations as well? Does it produce whatever results you’re looking for, or do people just say “huh?” a lot?

  8. David K.

    Why would your name mean anything? I thought your opinion was asinine and that the sentiment that complaining about something makes someone a whiner is a terrible attitude, especially when it’s justifiable. It also had nothing to do with American jingoism, frankly I have no outrage in a soccer match , US or nor because I don’t cre about soccer.

  9. Doc

    You made up an opinion that you thought was asinine.

    There’s nothing wrong with complaining or seeking redress for grievances, but in the case of bad calls in soccer, there’s nothing to be done about it. Once the complaint has been registered – which you can tell from non-Americans saying “Wow, you guys got screwed” – complaining more just sounds like whining. Which is when people start saying, “Yes, that was a bad call, but tell it to the Irish.”

    Another example: You don’t like soccer. I get that. Unfortunately for you, a lot of people around the world DO like soccer, so the World Cup is a Biden. There’s nothing you can do about it, so when you keep complaining, you just sound like a whiner.

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