7 thoughts on “FriendFeed: Likeliest explanation for …

  1. Sandy Underpants

    What a ding-bat that masseus is. I wonder if this story will have any legs on it. She got paid $1 million by the Enquirer for her story, can she even prove that she massaged Gore 4 years ago!?!?! And finally, after reading her entire statement, I must ask, did he even do anything illegal? Does the massues think he did something illegal? Is it illegal to get an erection during a massage? Is it illegal to hug a masseus on her way out of the hotel room? Is it illegal to make provocative comments to a masseus?

    If any of these things are illegal then we may as well convert all the hotels in Vegas into prisons STAT!! Cuz there are a lot of guilty suspects.

  2. Matt Wiser

    Well, Clinton was watching the US-Algeria game yesterday, and talking with Sepp Bletter rather than wandering the stadium looking for drunk fans, so maybe?

  3. B. Minich

    I don’t know how to spell Sepp’s last name, but he’s the head of FIFA. Which, globally, makes him THE MOST POWERFUL MAN IN SPORTS!!!!!!!

  4. David K.

    So its his fault the vuvzelas are allowed, the refs can get away with terrible calls, players can take blatant and ridiculously obvious dives and draw phantom penalties? Sounds like the most incompetent man in sports.

  5. B. Minich

    Well, those two titles aren’t mutually exclusive, you know. 😉

    But banning the vuvuzelas isn’t feasible. Seriously, you are going to tell fans to leave their plastic gimmicks at home? Because it annoys the viewers on TV? Ain’t gonna happen. Just get used to it, and hope they don’t spread to Brazil by 2014. Because I’ll join you in revolt – if they jump continents, we need to close the border with Mexico immediately, so the vuvuzelas don’t infect our sports culture. NO AMNESTY (for vuvuzelas)! I like them – so long as they stay in South Africa.

    The other stuff can be laid on Sepp, at least to some extent. Won’t quarrel there.

  6. B. Minich

    BTW, this explains the necessity of finishing the border fence. Because of the horrors of NFL or college football games, featuring vuvuzelas. Its not my vision of America.

    I’m Brandon Minich, and I approved this message.

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