15 thoughts on “Loyette’s latest masterwork

  1. Joe Loy


    I always knew she’s a Genius; but a gifted Artist, too! That is Excellent. No, really. / Preserve that work for the MOMA exhibition, old kiddoe. “Loyette: the Early Years.” Eat yer heart out, Jackson Pollock. 🙂

  2. Joe Loy

    Alasdair, that all depends on yer Perspective. ;} What, didn’t they offer Art Appreciation in the Glaswegian school system? (smirk 🙂

    Think of it the way a long-ago NYC Mayoral candidate reflected upon his aide’s question re whether his campaign speeches weren’t Too Corny. Mario Procaccino is reported to have replied with the immortal words, “Corn is in the Ear of the Beholder.”

    (abstract smile 🙂

  3. Alasdair

    Brendan #6 – nahhh – #5 is an impostor ! #4 is classic David K. !

    Venerable Loy – take another look at it, upside down, in the context of the World Cup !

    Brendan – are you able to update this post with a 180 degree rotated version ?

  4. Joe Loy

    Laird Alasdair, not that I wouldn’t stand on my head for my Grand-daughter(s) but I think you are trying to render the non-objective, Representational. IOW World Cup, Schmorldcup. Next you’ll be suggesting that viewed Sidewise it looks like ordon Brown or somesuch.
    ( postmodernist grin 🙂

  5. Joe Loy

    and now upon Further reflection, perhaps it Could be seen as a Picasso-like interpretation of Gordon Brown’s arse. Especially in the condition in which he got it Handed to him by David Cameron. ;>

  6. Alasdair

    Sorta reminds me of the put-down of Napoleon and the way he enunciated both his native language and foreign languages …

    Thus, ’twas said of Bonaparte that he couldn’t tell his Erse from his Elban …

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