1 thought on “Twitter: RT @FixAaron: Rep. …

  1. Joe Loy

    “Capito’s campaign could not be reached for comment late Tuesday night. She is slated to be on the radio Wednesday morning with West Virginia political analyst Hoppy Kercheval.”

    Well, hopefully Hoppy will extract some definitive political Analysis from the Congresswoman. ;>

    “Republicans will now search for another candidate. Self-funding businessman John Raese is one option. Raese, who lost to Byrd in 2006 and Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) in the 1980s, has expressed interest in the race and his wealth means that he wouldn’t have to raise funds in such a short window of time.”

    Yes & his expressed Interest also means he might have a hankerin’ to become the first (R)-WVirginian to Lose to 3 different (D)-WVirginians for the same Office. :}

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