3 thoughts on “FriendFeed: It’s official: Tom …

  1. AMLTrojan

    Awesome. If he wins, all Mexicans will have to leave Colorado, which will also be Anglicizing its name to Ruddy (they couldn’t use “Colored” — they didn’t want to invite a lawsuit with the NAACP, and because Tancredo wants to keep around enough blacks to keep the sports teams competitive… unless Carmelo leaves for the Knicks or Heat, at which point all bets are off).

    I keed, I keed.

  2. Brendan Loy

    Yep, that’s Stage 1 of the Tancredo Plan. Stage 2: Colorado secedes from the Union, taking the Air Force Academy with it, and then President Tancredo orders the long-awaited bombing of Mecca.

    (Speaking of which, the best part of the linked article is the quote from state GOP chairman Dick Wadhams, who evidently had a shouting match on talk radio with Tancredo this morning: “What’s your agenda? What are you going to talk about? Impeach Obama and bomb mecca?” LOL!!)

  3. Casey

    I heard that the full name of the American Constitution Party is actually the National Associated American Constitution Party, or the NAACP for short.

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