Live-tweet-vlogging test

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Test concluded; original post after the jump. Stay tuned for live video coverage of election-results-party-hopping tonight! Starting ~7:30 PM Mountain Time, or so.

In anticipation of broadcasting some possible election-results-party-hopping tonight, I’m going to try out live-video-tweet-casting this afternoon as I go vote. I’m planning to leave around 2:00 PM MDT. If you catch any of the live video, let me know how it goes!

In addition to live video in the window immediately below, my tweets (along with a few others’ tweets) should appear, in real time, in the window undernearth the video stream. You can also leave live comments there, either by clicking “Comment Now” at the top of the live-tweet window, or by tweeting something at @brendanloy.

NOTE: Due to an apparent bug on ScribbleLive’s end, the display of the window above seems to get messed up after first logging in (or entering a display name) to comment. To fix this, click the “Comment Now” tab again, to make the comment window disappear, and then click it again, to make it reappear. That seems to fix the problem.

3 thoughts on “Live-tweet-vlogging test

  1. Pingback: Live-tweet-vlogging testUS Masters LIVE! | US Masters LIVE!

  2. Pingback: Live-tweet-vlogging testUS Masters LIVE! | US Masters LIVE!

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