Water down its roots with tea

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Ever since the 4th of July, when we listened to a some patriotic music in the car while driving to a fireworks show, Loyette has been obsessed with, as she adorably calls it, “pay-pee-otic” music.

For a while, her favorite was “God Bless America” (which she now has memorized, and will sometimes sing in its entirety when she feels randomly inspired to burst into song). Then, for a time, her favorite was “You’re a Grand Old Flag.” Then, “Anchors Aweigh.” Now, it’s this song, from the 1957 Disney movie Johnny Tremain and the Sons of Liberty. She calls it the “Tree Song,” as in, “Can we hear the Tree Song, Daddy?”

Wow, I haven’t watched that scene since… seventh grade, maybe? I’m pretty sure we watched that movie in some history or social studies class in middle school. Heh. Anyway, God Bless YouTube.

If I remember correctly, the singing patriots are coming back from the Boston Tea Party as they march through the streets, singing about the “Liberty Tree.” Which, in turn, makes me realize what’s missing from all these Tea Party rallies: they need more showtunes! Get Disney to write a snappy song about how Obama sucks, then they’ll really have something. 🙂

On an unrelated note, Loyette has also memorized the “Notre Dame Victory March,” and will sometimes sing it all by herself. I’m hoping to get a video, before the season starts, of her singing the whole thing. Then, Becky says I should publish it, with a tipjar, start a “Send This Girl To A Notre Dame Game” fundraising drive, and hope it goes viral. Heh.

3 thoughts on “Water down its roots with tea

  1. Joe Loy

    >”I’m pretty sure we watched that movie in some history or social studies class in middle school.”

    Yes & WE watched its original release in the theaters in June of 1957; and then on TV in late ’58 as re-edited for the series “Walt Disney’s Wonderful World of Color.” I loved the Liberty Tree song too. 🙂 Of course ol’ Walt did take certain artistic Liberties with the actual historical Events; but for now I’ll defer Those nostalgic recollections. ;>

  2. dcl

    I am deeply distressed by this ND related anomaly. You must stop this papist clap trap before it gets worse. (For those that couldn’t tell, I’m kidding… sort of, well mostly…)

  3. kcatnd

    I’m just impressed that a two year-old has entire songs memorized. I can barely do that at age 26. Loyette = genius?

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