2 thoughts on “Twitter: RT @richarddeitsch: Simply …

  1. AMLTrojan

    A lot is being made of this story by gay activists, and there’s some justification for that. But I hope this story helps shine a light on a bigger issue, which is the widespread unhealthy attitudes about sex and privacy on most every college campus. My instinct would be to hope that the prosecutors throw the book at the miscreant defendants in this case, and that would be true even if the victim was being webcast having a heterosexual encounter. OTOH, colleges and universities do a piss-poor job of educating and protecting their incoming students, having completely forsaken in loco parentis duties for an “anything-goes” laissez faire attitudes about sex and libido, so you almost have to accept that there’s no way these kids knew what kind of legal harm in which they were ensnaring themselves. Nor is it likely that the victim was educated to properly appreciate the ease with which his privacy could and would be compromised due to being assigned to live in shared quarters. Installing an RA with a condom jar on every dorm floor hardly prepares incoming freshmen to make wise decisions about privacy and sexuality as newly independent adults.

  2. David K.

    See Brendan, I was a good influence on you Freshman year with the no-sex in our room rule. You even had a web cam I could have rigged up to broadcast with and embarass you. Although given that you slept with your stuffed animals while the thing was on anyway, i’m not sure you would have been embarassed…

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