8 thoughts on “Twitter: To those fearing …

  1. Brendan Loy

    Are there not elections again in 2 years? No doubt some liberal congressperson would like to do this, but there is absolutely no way it will happen. It’s a wolf-face crazy notion, bordering on conspiracy-theory territory.

  2. Alasdair

    There was a time when a concept like Obamacare (where the Government can coerce citizens to buy a product) was considered to be “a wolf-face crazy notion, bordering on conspiracy-theory territory.”

  3. David K.

    Alastair is right, some of us were afraid or health care system would never be improved. Fortunately we were wrong.

  4. Alasdair

    With that said – ummmm …

    David K #4 … what improvement have you seen in *your* healthcare in the past 20 months ?

  5. David K.

    Well my soon to be born neice/nephew can’t be denied coverage if he is born with asthma (which runs in my family), nor will I if I lose my job and insurance for awhile. My sister-in-law won’t be denied coverage if she has trouble during her pregnancy either, since both asthma and pregnancy have been classified as ‘pre-existing conditions’ in the past.

    I’m actually fortunate as my health care is provided by one of the very few non-profit health care co-ops in the country and I don’t get gouged for profit margins like most americans, or denied coverage because it wuold hurt the bottom line. Unfortunately a similar non-profit system that would have been available to all Americans was shouted down by Republicans like you. It’s sad that so many of them, who claim to be Christians, are willing to let others suffer and die with inadequate health care to make a political point.

  6. Alasdair

    David K #7 – last time I heard, if someone shows up at a county hospital emergency room, whether with asthma or pregnancy or pretty much anything else, thay person will get treated to the best of the abilities of the staff there …

    The health *care* is in place for such things for everyone …

    The health *insurance* is a swamp masquerading as a quagmire pretending to be Florida Beachfront Property or New York Bridges for sale …

    With that said, how is any of #7 an improvement, since it applied to anyone in am situation equivalent to your current situation during the last 20 months, did it not ?

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