Twitter: Buck is wrong; …

Buck is wrong; being gay isn’t a choice. But his comparison to alcoholism isn’t, in and of itself, outrageous. This is a bit like #whoregate. He wasn’t saying homosexuality is like alcoholism because it’s evil/bad/diseased. He was making a point re: genetic predisposition. #context. It was a politically dumb statement because it was bound to create #OUTRAGE!!! But his point was a fair (if wrong) one. Ham-handedly, he was saying that homosexuality may be genetically predisposed but is still subject to the exercise of free will. Alcoholism is a good example of this. … Again, Buck is DEAD WRONG on the merits, IMHO. But we shouldn’t pretend that OMG HE CALLED BEING GAY A DISEASE LIKE ALCOHOLISM! No, he didn’t. … Now: I say gays shouldn’t feel the need to “resist” genetic impulse to be gay. Buck surely differs. But that’s beyond the scope of the question & answer at issue.

2 thoughts on “Twitter: Buck is wrong; …

  1. Alasdair

    Since it’s not obvious to me – were all those Brendan-tweets, conjoined for readability ?

    Sort of Brendan-stream-of-consciousness-debating-society ?

    You go, guy !


  2. David K.

    Seems to me comparing it to pre-marital or extra-marital sex from a moral standpoint always made more sense. Of course two problems with that
    1) People would probably oppose laws to make either of those illegal
    2) Too many members of Congress are guilty of that so tough for them to sell it 🙂

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