The Living Room Times Podcast, Ep. 3: Tom Tancredo and the British Empire!

IMG_5070.JPGA day late, but hopefully not a dollar short, here is Becky’s and my latest LRT podcast episode. Our main topic is the Colorado governor’s race and the extremism of Tom “Impeach Obama and Bomb Mecca” Tancredo, although our discussion includes some haphazard transitions back and forth between that gubernatorial race and… British fiscal policy! (Hence the title.) Also covered: the role of government and the Democrats’ epic fail; USC’s blowout of Cal and upcoming game with #1 Oregon; Loyette’s toddler aerobics class; my DU basketball blog; corporations’ marketing to children; the Great Boise State Debate; and more.

Again, you can subscribe with iTunes here. Here’s the official episode page on Pod-O-Matic, and here’s the official podcast page, which gives you a range of subscription options. You can also directly download this episode as an MP3 file, if you like. And you can subscribe to this blog’s LRT Podcast category as an RSS feed, or subscribe to the official RSS feed of the podcast, again from Pod-O-Matic.

P.S. Here are Episode 1 and Episode 2. Stay tuned for Episode 4, next Sunday/Monday!

P.P.S. For the record, it was just a little balled-up piece of paper that I threw. 🙂

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