7 thoughts on “FriendFeed: “The early voting …

  1. AMLTrojan

    What does Schrödinger’s have to do with Apple? Is this some way to explain Steve Jobs’ inimitable success in launching quirky new products?

  2. Joe Loy

    hee hee – Could be, AMLT ;}

    But I think Nate Silver doesn’t have it quite right:

    Mr. McDonald suggests such comparisons are apples-to-apples. But it’s more like comparing an apple sitting on the kitchen counter in front of you to some sort of Schrödinger’s apple that might either be a Red Delicious, or a Granny Smith, or some kind of crabapple — and you have no way to tell which.

    Not exactly. It’s my understanding that it would Be all Three simultaneously until you Taste (i.e., observe) it, at which point your tastebuds’ Observation collapses the 3 quantum-wave fruity-functions into One. :>

    (But apart from all these duelling Prediction models, I suspect that when the actual Election QWF gets Popped by the Votecount a week from tomorrow, Your side, AML, will find itself in possession of a bigfat boatload of political Plums. 😉

  3. Alasdair

    Venerable Loy – it would seem that your fingers have accepted the reality that the local davidkians are still kicking and screaming against … (grin) …

    (Was it *really* a mistake, or was it your subconscious being as honest as you like to be when you can ? (innocent grin))

  4. Joe Loy

    Esteemed Alasdair: as to “the local davidkians”, remember that Philosophically I’m still basickly a Branchk thereof. / Well. Perhaps a Twigk. / But, no Matter. ;>

    As to my Subconscious: I doan’ Neeed no Steeenkin’ subconscious to tell me when My team is about to get its Arse (temporarily, & iundeservedly 😉 whupped.

    Finally, in Regards to the asserted (Innocence) of your parenthetical (Grins): gimme a Break. Yer Smirks are approximately as Immaculate as is Mrs. Murphy’s interstate Chowdah. :>

  5. Alasdair

    True – the “temporarily” would indee4d be “undeserved” …

    As fer yer last graf – Well, there’s a Chowdie-do ! (to paraphrase an interesting and intelligent Sullivan)

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