5 thoughts on “FriendFeed: Remember remember the …

  1. David K.

    The third line use of “gunpowder treason” seems completely unnecessary to me, it wasn’t gunpowder treason, it was treason, if he had used a sword woudl they ahve called it “sword treason”??

  2. Brendan Loy

    Spoken like a true NRA member, David.

    Gunpowder doesn’t kill people; crazy British people kill people!

  3. David K.

    I’m not saying gunpowder wasn’t part of the plot, i’m just saying that gunpowder treason makes little sense. The gunpowder wasn’t commiting treason.

  4. B. Minich

    1. It’s a poem. That’s what fits.

    2. Gunpowder treason does describe it pretty well. Treason was committed, and it was committed using gunpowder!

  5. Alasdair

    My own memory has it starting

    Remember ! Remember ! The 5th of November.
    Guy Fawkes, and the Gunpowder Plot !

    (and then my memory trails off … (blush))

    Every so often, when Westminstr’s popularity takes a nose dive, the headlines will show up “Come back, Guy Fawkes ! All is forgiven !” …

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