1 thought on “Twitter: RT @jstrevino: “This …

  1. AMLTrojan

    Tyner points out that every terrorist act on an airplane has been halted by passengers. “It’s time to stop treating passengers like criminals and start treating them as assets,” he said.


    Seriously, I never anticipated that Americans would put up with the onerous and preposterous security measures that have been implemented since 9/11 for as long as they have. We debated sunsetting the Patriot Act, but there was never a peep about sunsetting TSA security measures such as making you take your shoes off and submitting to pat-downs. How is it that people scream bloody murder about the government auditing public library web searches, but there is nary a peep about forcing millions of people every day to undergo far worse inconveniences and violations of privacy? Back when this all started, the argument seemed to be one of expediency — we didn’t have time to debate and implement a well-thought-out airport security policy, we just needed something in place right now. At some point, that stops being a sufficient excuse for the insanity that we all endure at airports these days.

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