20 thoughts on “Twitter: CNN Breaking News …

  1. dcl

    In an odd confluence of events, I agree with Joe Mama… Also seems like it might be a touch chilly in Russia…

  2. kcatnd

    Also, good luck drinking or even showing alcohol in Qatar under Sharia law! Might be good practice for the United States, though, since we’re heading down that path…

  3. dcl

    A quick trip to Wikipedia shows that there are actually both bars and nightclubs in Qatar that serve alcohol. They tend to be in high end hotels. Which stands to reason given that’s where the westerners are that drink the stuff. Consuming alcohol in public and public drunkenness are illegal it is true, but I would check your local ordinances before passing judgment on that point.

    Like OMG, facts getting in the way of random paranoia…

    Or perhaps my sarcasm detector is broken again?

  4. David K.

    Qatar is actually a pretty Western friendly country is it not? Also, Sharia law in the US? Really? You honestly see prohibition coming back? Women being forced to wear burqas? Stonings? I’ve seen a lot of things that give me pause for concern in the direction our country is taking, but given that one of them is rampant Islamophobia, the idea of Sharia law becoming standard in America is not one of them.

  5. David K.

    Fine, rampant islamophobia by some conservatives:
    Ground Zero “Mosque”?
    People like gahrie and Alasdair who insist ALL Muslims are part of a global conspiracy to kill us all?

  6. dcl

    AML, I’m unclear on your position here. Are you arguing that we should be worried about Sharia law being implemented in the US? Because that is rather delusional paranoia.

  7. gahrie

    I never said all Muslims are part of a global conspiracy to kill us all. Many Muslims are just as in-observent as some Christians.

    What I have said is that Islam demands that all non-Muslims be converted, subjigated or killed.

  8. B. Minich

    No buying alcohol except for specialized stores? Not being allowed to carry alcohol in an open container? Sounds like Pennsylvania!

    And I am not kidding here. It still freaks me out to see alcohol sold in grocery stores and gas stations! And if I buy it there, I seriously feel like I am doing something extremely illegal.

  9. David K.

    “What I have said is that Islam demands that all non-Muslims be converted, subjigated or killed.”

    Oh I see, so only ACTIVE Muslims are out to kill us. I guess I need to remind all my Muslim friends about that, since I’m still alive they have been doing a piss poor job. I’m sure they will appreciate it when I clear up their religious beliefs for them. They will definitely consider the source authoritative, I mean who could have a better grasp of their religious beliefs than some random jerk from the internet named gahrie?

  10. David K.

    Well no one would no more about assholes than you Andrew. I’m curious how believing that not all muslims are out to get us is such a horribly innacurate view to hold, but then apparently my muslim friends are bad muslims because they haven’t demanded that I convert or die yet. Like I just told gahrie, i’ll be sure to give them a good talking to.

  11. AMLTrojan

    I love David’s appeal to authority. It’s a twist off of the old, “But some of my best friends are black!” Only in this case, David is assuming that all religious Muslims must be reasonable like his Americanized middle-class Muslim friends.

    I know the Muslims that agree with chagrin on this, and I know Muslims that dispute it like we were declaring Holy War on them. The debate is not about what our experiences are personally with Muslims, the debate is about what the Quran says about non-Muslims and how that translates into orthodox Islam preaching and attitudes. And while gahrie’s point is a gross overgeneralization (“What I have said is that Islam demands that all non-Muslims be converted, subjigated or killed”), there are plenty of scholars — Muslim and non-Muslim — who would agree that there is quite a bit of truth in that statement. The better debate is, how do we, as Western non-Muslims, deal with that? And perhaps even more importantly, how do our Western Muslims deal with that?

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