GOP loves millionaires, hates 9/11 first responders

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So, in addition to blocking Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell repeal, the Republicans in the Senate are blocking another important bill in their temper tantrum to get tax breaks for millionaires. This one would provide health and other benefits to 9/11 first responders. That’s right, those good old “We love America,” flag-waving, here-for-the-common-Joe Republicans would rather those brave police and firefighters who risked their lives on 9/11 go without needed help so that A-Rod can keep even more of his millions. Good to know where their priorities lie.

5 thoughts on “GOP loves millionaires, hates 9/11 first responders

  1. gahrie

    If this bill is sooo important, why hasn’t it been passed before now? it’s yet another example of the Democrat controlled Congress ignoring the nation’s business so that they could ram their ideological agenda down our throats despite our protest and reward their special interests. The Pigford settlement is a perfect example. Everyone acknowledges the fact that it is a huge fraud, and 95% of those cashing in are not only not farmers, they never even thought of owning a farm.

  2. Joe Mama

    Dutifully struck, but this blog probably isn’t the right audience for this post. I suspect most readers here follow politics fairly closely and are therefore well aware that the only reason Dems held a cloture vote on this uncontroversial bill now was because they knew it wouldn’t pass since the GOP vowed to block any legislation until the tax cut deal is in place and the gov’t is funded into the next year. Your talking points are better suited for those who are uninformed about how Congress works and thus more likely to be as genuinely shocked as the Dems and their water-carriers are pretending to be.

  3. Brendan Loy

    Everyone acknowledges the fact that it is a huge fraud

    Not actually true! Shockingly, not everyone agrees with you about everything. In particular, the fact that many of African-Americans who were forced out of farming by the very practices at which the settlement is aimed, are not presently farmers, is not exactly shocking. That’s like saying an employee who files a discrimination lawsuit after being fired — or, say, quitting due to rampant harassment and discrimination — shouldn’t be able to collect his settlement because he’s no longer an employee. Huh? That doesn’t even pass the third-grade logic test. Try again.

    But of course, as Steve King reminded us, Barack Obama is ramming this through because he’s a “very, very urban” president. Thank goodness nobody in the GOP is racist, or deliberately appealing to racists.

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