And then there were 3

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With Ohio State’s win over Arkansas, the sixth annual Living Room Times Bowl Pick ’em Contest is down to just three contestants with a chance to win, and just two bowls that matter — the Cotton Bowl on Friday and the BCS title game on Monday.

If Texas A&M wins the Cotton Bowl and Oregon wins the title game, David K. wins the contest. If LSU wins the Cotton Bowl and Oregon wins the title game, Jeff Freeze wins the contest. If Auburn wins the title game, Randy Styles wins the contest (regardless of the Cotton Bowl).

Rachel Dulitz, who had led the pool for 10 consecutive days, fell out of first place and was mathematically eliminated by Ohio State’s win. Josh Rubin was also eliminated.

Full current standings are visible to contestants here (along with everyone’s picks), and visible to everyone here. Contestants can play around with “what-if” scenarios here.

3 thoughts on “And then there were 3

  1. Joe Mama

    The best I can do is show, but I’ll be content to finish ahead of David K. if Auburn and LSU win.

  2. Joe Mama

    You really make it too easy, David.

    I was wrong, though — apparently I could do better than show…

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