The Living Room Times Podcast, Ep. 6: We’re Baaaack!

A lot has happened since the last Living Room Times Podcast. Republicans regained control of the House of Representatives, and picked up a bunch of Senate seats. Notre Dame beat USC for the first time since I became an “Irish Trojan.” Boise State lost at Nevada, just as I predicted before the season. TCU won the Rose Bowl. Auburn won the national championship. College basketball season started, and got to roughly its halfway point. The UConn women surpassed the UCLA men, then lost to the Lady Drunken Trees. There was an eclipse. “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” was repealed. “Don’t touch my junk” was uttered. Ireland was bailed out. Tragedy struck our neighborhood, and later Arizona and the nation. Winter began, Thanksgiving came and went, as did Christmas and the New Year — complete with balloons and a Bally dropping. Urban Meyer re-resigned, and Brett Favre re-retired. The NCAA made a bunch of dumb decisions. The seventh Harry Potter movie debuted, and was awesome. I finally published my #2 and #1 “Defining Days” of the (Previous) Decade. Loyacita started walking and talking. Loyette turned 3. Oh, and there was this one other thing… but you’ll have to listen to the podcast to hear about that.

Anyway, Becky and I are back after a two-and-a-half month hiatus. Our topics in this week’s podcast — recorded on Monday, Martin Luther King Day — include our hopes, fears and expectations for the new Congress (from roughly the 7:30 mark to 26:30), our thoughts on the Tucson memorial service (26:30-34:00), Christmas at the Loys’ (34:30-37:30), and University of Denver basketball (37:30-52:30), among other things. Oh, and we’re interrupted a couple of times by Loyette, which is kind of entertaining. Enjoy…

As always, you can subscribe with iTunes here. Here’s the official episode page on Pod-O-Matic, and here’s the official podcast page, which gives you a range of subscription options. You can also directly download this episode as an MP3 file, if you like. And you can subscribe to this blog’s LRT Podcast category as an RSS feed, or subscribe to the official RSS feed of the podcast, again from Pod-O-Matic.

Previous episodes, if you missed ’em: Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3, Episode 4 and Episode 5.

Oh, and that John Gasaway article I mention in the podcast, about Belmont? Here it is.

And here’s a picture of Loyette at Saturday’s DU game, utterly fascinated by the cheerleaders:


3 thoughts on “The Living Room Times Podcast, Ep. 6: We’re Baaaack!

  1. JD

    Since you’ve put in the effort to make this podcast, I can at least chime in as one of your, what, dozen? subscribers. 😉

    And that picture is just adorable.

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  3. David K.

    So SJSU and USU might go join the MWC. If that happens Idaho should go back to 1-AA and the rest of the schools (L-Tech, UT-SA, Tex State, New Mex) should just join the Sun Belt. Denver can go with them and you’d have a 16 team super conference that could be split east and west.

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