17 thoughts on “IT’S A GIRL!!!

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  2. JD

    Congratulations! You can reuse the baby clothes!

    I think you may want to spend 2023-2033 hiding out at someone else’s house to avoid drowning in the estrogen. 😉 That, or practice saying to potential dates, “And this is where I keep my fully functional death laser/bat’leth.”

    And did I mention, PANIC!!!!

  3. Alasdair

    Nahhhh ! Mazel tov !

    So – do you know what is causing it, yet ?

    We found out with #4 daughter what was causing it, so #4 is/was our last …

    And it’s not the estrogen you need to worry about – it’s the progesterone – as, one after another, their cycles move into synch … (grin) …

    (Coincidentally, within the week, I will, once again, be the only unfixed male in our household)

  4. David K.

    Congratulations! I look forward to the many many pictures of daddy being dressed up as a princess and going to tea parties (the drink kind, not the politics kind) with his little girls 😀

  5. James Young

    Good luck! Remember, you don’t have to register private sales of firearms with the ATF. You know, just in case you need a drop weapon…or three in about a decade or so. (I’d actually think you’d need only two. I mean, if Loyette and Loyacita’s boyfriends disappear, then your daughters just become “those Loy girls…whose boyfriends always vanish.” I hear that works as well as bundling them off to a convent.)

  6. nadinefromparis

    Hello from the person who suggested Loyette’s online name.
    Congratulations and perhaps the newest addition to the Loy-Zak world of women might be known online as Loytrois.

  7. Alasdair

    Loytertia ?

    James #8 – in this day and age, and given the ummmm tenacity of both parental lines (which does tend to concentrate and focus even *more* in offspring), are you so certain that the Loy girls will all go for husbands ?

  8. Brendan Loy Post author

    Nadine! Welcome back!

    Thanks for the congrats, everyone. As for blog nicknames, yes, we’ll have to think about that. I remember someone suggesting “Loyelle” the last time around, and liking it, except that it’s visually so similar to “Loyette” (and after all, visual is really all that matters, since we almost never say these names out loud). I suppose “Loyella” would solve that problem, but it’s not quite as cute. I dunno. We’ll see. Some good suggestions here, keep ’em comin’.

  9. AMLTrojan

    I was going to suggest al-Loyallah, as a hat tip to the wave of uprisings throughout the Middle East this year. However, based on my .01% understanding of Semitic languages, I don’t think that’s the feminine form. So for now I’m throwing my weight behind Casey’s suggestion: “Loyer”.

    By the way, Luquitas perked up and smiled when I mentioned that the Loy clan was about to add another girl. He must like blondies. 😉

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