NCAA Pools: Points & Logos

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First things first: you can now “like” the 16th annual Living Room Times NCAA & NIT Pools on Facebook. Do that now, and you’ll automatically get an update Sunday night when the pools are ready to go.

Secondly… after much deliberation and some excellent analysis by blog readers, I’ve decided to abandon the “upset points” idea, and stick with a fixed, per-game scoring system that will add up to 477 points, as it always has — but with greater weight to the later rounds than I’ve given in the past. My current plan is to use a 1-4-7-10-16-24-41 scoring system (that’s 1 point per “First Four” game, 4 per Round of 64 game, etc.), though that’s subject to minor tweaking between now and Sunday night, when the pools go live.

Meanwhile, the submissions are in for my pool’s logo contest. Here are the ones I’m deciding between. The first two are from Tom Greca; the others are from Newington High School students in Bonnie Stone’s design class, who I can’t identify by name until I have their permission (due to educational privacy laws and whatnot). Anyway…

Tom Greca 2

Tom Greca 1

M. (NHS)

K. (NHS)

D. (NHS)

G. (NHS)

That last one needs some Photoshop tweaking — “Livingroom” should be “Living Room,” and “Pool” should be “Pools” — but you get the general idea. Meanwhile, I’m using the third one right now as the logo on the Facebook Page, but that doesn’t reflect a final decision. I just wanted to have some logo up there right away.

Anyway… does anyone have any favorites?

9 thoughts on “NCAA Pools: Points & Logos

  1. Mike

    For the logos, I think #2 is the best in terms of a simple but pleasing design, though I also like #5.

    As for the new scoring system, any interest in scoring your old pools on the new system for future comparisons (probably assuming the results of the 4 1 point games)? It’s entirely possible that I might be able to write a simple script to evaluate new scores given input of picked teams and actual results to use for the evaluation.

  2. David K.

    I like the second one, but I’d replace the basketball used there with the one from the first logo.

  3. David K.

    Also, for the last one, if it were a CGI version of Brendan it would be perfect. The Lizard is cool but not sure how it relates to your blog.

  4. Rebecca Loy

    I vote for the lizard because every NCAA pool needs a motherf*cking lizard. Or the one with the brackets…but does it actually have 3 different fonts because I don’t think your ADD can handle that.

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