Election Day in Denver

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20110503-095806.jpgMail-in election? Ha! I spent two hours last night researching the candidates, then dropped off my ballot today — Election Day — at the nearest Voter Service Center.

I refuse to go along with this newfangled mail-in, multi-day election nonsense. Elections are held on ONE day, always a Tuesday, as God intended when He invented democracy. Why, in my day, sonny, we walked to the polling place, uphill both ways, and used lever voting machines! Now get off my lawn! 😉

9 thoughts on “Election Day in Denver

  1. Brendan Loy Post author

    P.S. If memory serves, I have in fact voted on a lever machine exactly ONCE — in the Newington municipal election in November 2003. All of my prior and subsequent Connecticut elections (1999, 2001 and 2002 general elections, and 2004 presidential primary), I was living out-of-state and voting absentee; and all the other states where I’ve been registered have used a different voting system (California 2000, punch card, I think; Indiana 2004-2006, optical scan; Tennessee 2007-2008, electronic voting; Colorado 2009-present, optical scan).

    Of course, that’s not counting the countless times I “voted” as a little kid (and a medium-sized kid) on the lever machine at your office, usually writing in all sorts of nonsense candidates.

  2. Joe Loy

    #4 was in reference to #2 of course.

    “…the countless times I “voted” as a little kid (and a medium-sized kid) on the lever machine at your office…” Yeah. And maybe once or twice as a Big Lug, too. ;} “… usually writing in all sorts of nonsense candidates.” But Enough about Trump.

  3. Alasdair

    Venerable Loy – in *your* extensive theological electoral experience, do you believe that The Donald is in fact the “Last Trump” mentioned in Revelations ?

  4. Joe Loy

    Esteemed Alasdair, you erudite strumpet. You have sent me to bugle Google. Again. / Seems the reference is actually from 1 Corinthians 15. Connection to Revelations somewhat controversial. / But No: the Good Book doesn’t prophesy Yer Man. He’s just brassy. Doesn’t even know trombones gonna rise again. ;>

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