I’m still alive, I swear…

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…I’ve just had no time to blog for the last week-and-a-half. My evening free time is largely taken up holding a baby, and, well, it’s hard to type while you’re doing that. But hey, at least nothing newsworthy/blogworthy has happened during that time, like, oh I don’t know:

• Michelle Bachmann wins the Iowa Straw Poll;
Generic Republican drops out of the presidential race;
photo.JPG• America’s next president, Rick Perry, enters the presidential race (#PANIC!);
• Tripoli falls to the Libyan rebels, and Moammar Gadhafi’s reign appears to approach its end;
• Hurricane Irene forms, threatens to become the season’s first major hurricane and hit the Southeast U.S. (or perhaps the Northeast? NYC?!?);
• A tragic, weather-related accident during a Sugarland concert at the Indiana State Fair kills 7 people;
• Becky gets a new MacBook Air; I finally get us a legitimate TV;
• The SEC decides not to invite Texas A&M (yet), but A&M administrators get permission to go conference-hunting;
• The AP poll comes out, ranking Boise State #5 (bus!), Notre Dame #16 and USC #25;
• Miami’s athletic department is hit with the Tsar Bomba of sports exposés, led by this absolute gem of a paragraph:

In 100 hours of jailhouse interviews during Yahoo! Sports’ 11-month investigation, Hurricanes booster Nevin Shapiro described a sustained, eight-year run of rampant NCAA rule-breaking, some of it with the knowledge or direct participation of at least seven coaches from the Miami football and basketball programs. At a cost that Shapiro estimates in the millions of dollars, he said his benefits to athletes included but were not limited to cash, prostitutes, entertainment in his multimillion-dollar homes and yacht, paid trips to high-end restaurants and nightclubs, jewelry, bounties for on-field play (including bounties for injuring opposing players), travel and, on one occasion, an abortion.

As many as seventy-two players are implicated, not to mention, like, a half-dozen assistant coaches. Oh, and the athletic director who was overseeing the department through the “eight-year run of rampant NCAA rule-breaking”? None other the Paul Dee, the grotesquely hypocritical m***erf***er who chaired the NCAA Infractions Committee that gave USC near-historic sanctions for violations about 1 percent as bad as these, the man who responded to cries of “we didn’t know!” by declaring that “high-profile athletes require high-profile monitoring” … the man who now says of Shapiro, “We didn’t have any suspicion that he was doing anything like this. He didn’t do anything to cause concern. … In terms of kids getting close to him or him getting close to the kids, I have no knowledge of that and my staff had no knowledge of that.”

So…yeah…nothing’s happened. 🙂

5 thoughts on “I’m still alive, I swear…

  1. dcl

    So now will USC file another appeal? File a massive lawsuit against the NCAA? Demand a congressional investigation? Request the appointment of a special prosecutor? Or just take it up the ass like a bunch of morons?

    In other news Mr. Dee deserves jail time, or to be hung from Tom Trojan’s gladius by his this is a family blog. I’ll leave that choice to him.

    Also, Miami needs every win for the last eight years vacated and furthe penalties that make what happened to SMU look like a slap on the wrist.

  2. Joe Loy

    “Hurricane Irene forms, threatens to…hit the Southeast U.S. (or perhaps the Northeast? NYC?!?)”

    FIE! :> I don’t like those computer models. Mah. 😉

    “Becky gets a new MacBook Air; I finally get us a legitimate TV”

    Your old TV seemed perfectly Legal to me. Kinda hi-tech for my taste, but Lawful. ;> (Now in MYYY day Sonny, we listened to FDR on the Wireless and were damn Glad about it too! Yessiree! Well do I remember hearing Hizzoner Mayor LaGuardia reading the Funnypapers over the Radio for us kiddies during the Newspaper strike by them red commie Unions!” 🙂

  3. AMLTrojan

    Btw, pleasant surprise today running across your name on Instapundit — it seems you’ve resurrected the PJM weather blog? Smart move. OTOH, I find it amusing that, given your frequent laments around here about the right-wing drivel from the usual suspects, the comments on your posts over there make gahrie and Alasdair sound like WFB and Edmund Burke.

  4. Alasdair

    Venerable Loy #2 – as I recall, was it not your guy who told us that “When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn’t just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed.” … is this your way of telling us that, way back then, you were SO deprived that you could only listen to FDR on the radio ? (grin)

    AMLT #4 – thank you (I think) …

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